- Do you remember that giant chestnut, which branches could reach the ground? At noon, when the sun is at its zenith, we hide there like under the dome and read the book of fairy tales, which you were given for the birthday.

Back then I didn’t talk about such things since I tried to make myself older and more serious, however I felt ecstatic. Do you remember how we used to find small young leaves and you used them like bookmarks when it’s time to go home? Do you remember those apples, which mother used to give us? Pure delight.

Yesterday I walked past that tree and couldn’t believe we became such an adult. It seems like it’s been only a month and the mirror is deceitful. Do you remember the leaves shaking gently? I do.

We would like to spend this week sharing the beauty with you. No drop game and limited sets this time. Mixed theme gift wrapping.